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邹院学术交流会 | 廖漠雨: Identifying Treatment Effects on Productivity




报告题目:Identifying Treatment Effects on Productivity: Theory with An Application to Firms' AI Adoption

报告人Moyu Liao is an assistant professor at Nanjing University. He received his Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University and a Bachelor of Economics from HKU. His primary research focuses on the intersection of econometrics and industrial organization. In particular, he is interested in identifying and estimating firm-level productivity, consumer demand, and treatment effect.



摘要:This paper provides a semi-structural econometric framework for analyzing the treatment effects on productivity. We embed the potential outcome framework into a dynamic firm model with firm-level productivity that can be affected by some discrete treatment. The treatment can either be externally assigned or chosen by the firm. We characterize conditions for non-parametrically identifying production functions. Then we provide conditions for identifying treatment effects objects for absorbing treatment and generalize them to non-absorbing treatment. Our study has general implications for empirical studies on evaluating treatment effects on productivity.  We apply our method to study the effect of AI adoption on productivity growth. Our results robustly show that adoption of AI product has no significant effect on the firm-level productivity in China.