Conference Guide and Preliminary Program of International Symposium in Honor of Professor Cheng Hsiao |
【Campus Entry】 Please enter XMU Siming campus through the Danan Gate or West (Qunxian) Gate. Please do bring your Identity Card (document) the first time you enter the campus. Face recognition suffices for later exits and entries during the conference days. Our campus hotels are near the Danan Gate and the Economics Building (conference venue) is near the West (Qunxian) Gate. 首次进校,请您携带身份证件从厦门大学思明校区大南校门或西门(群贤门)刷证进校,之后进出校门只需刷脸。会议酒店离大南校门较近,会场经济楼离西门(群贤门)较近,建议您来校时就近下车。(若您之前提供的是港澳居民来往内地通行证/台胞证/护照信息,首次进校也请携带该证件。) 【Onsite Registration】 Time: 14:00 - 21:00, July 7 (Friday) Venue: Lobby of Yifu Building / Hotel Lim Time: 07:50 - 08:30, July 8 (Saturday) Venue: Outside Room N402, Economics Building It is strongly recommended to finish onsite registration on July 7, the day before the conference. After onsite registration, you will get a conference brochure where you can see the finalized program. 【WeChat Group】 In order to facilitate communication, our participants are recommended to join the conference WeChat group by scanning the following QR code. 【Slides】You are suggested to back up your presentation slides or other files in a USB flash drive in case some mailbox servers or the Internet is inaccessible. Onedrive, Dropbox, and Google products including Google Drive are NOT available. Please get prepared in advance. 【Weather】The temperature in Xiamen these days is generally high. Semi-formal wear is recommended. We look forward to welcoming you in Xiamen soon. Best regards, Local Organizing Program |